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Division of Business and Finance

Welcome to the Business Office

The Business Office is charged with the responsibility of supervision over the fiscal affairs of the University.  This office ensures that the financial practices are both sound and clear in order to ensure effective, efficient, and reliable financial reporting.  We are cognitive of the fact that the University’s financial practices and reporting methods serve as a support mechanism in the administrative and fiscal decision making process in the pursuit of accomplishing the university goals. The Business Office works to achieve these goals  through the effective management of Student Accounts Receivables, Accounts Payable, Accounting, and Finance Module Administration.  The Director manages all accounting internal controls to mitigate risk and ensures that the official accounting records of the University are current and accurate for the safeguarding of the University’s assets.


The Business Office consist of three areas:  Accounting, Student Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable. Our offices are located on the 1st and 2nd floor of B.F. Roberts Hall. The hours of operations are Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.​

Accounting – Click Here

Accounting ensures that university procedures adhere to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, maintains the General Ledger and Operating Ledgers, coordinates university compliance activities, and much more.

Student Accounts Receivable – Click Here

The Student Accounts Receivable Office  provides student account and billing information; receives payments for tuition, fees and miscellaneous campus charges; provides collection of delinquent accounts; post refunds and financial aid residuals after disbursement.

Accounts Payable – Click Here

The Accounts Payable department serves the campus community by paying all approved expenses for goods and services.  We provide professional, efficient and courteous service to our internal and external customers, while remaining in compliance with university policies and federal and state regulations.  ​

Contact Our Leadership Team

Jewell Harris, Director

Shedrick Joiner, Assistant Director

Receptionist Desk: 601.979.2216

Frequently Asked Questions

Can my previous semester balances be deferred?

What is the refund process?

Am I entitled to a refund?

How do I contact a Business Office Counselor?

How long does it take to process my refund?

Why do I need to complete the Direct Deposit Authorization Form?

If I don’t complete the Direct Deposit Authorization Form, to what address will my refund check be mailed?

Can I change my mailing address?

How does the Supercard Voucher work?

What is “Completing Registration”?

Why should I Pre-Register?

Why was my loan money returned to the lender?

If I withdraw from the university, will I owe any money?

How do I pay?

Where should I send payments? 


Can my previous semester balances be deferred?

If you have a previous balance over $200, you will need to enroll in the payment plan with the understanding that the balance is to be paid in full by the end of the current term.  The recommended method is to sign up for the payment plan via the JSU P.A.W.S. account and follow the instructions below:

Log into your JSU P. A. W. S. account.
Select ‘Student’.
Select ‘Registration’.
Select ‘ Fall/Spring/Summer 20xx Registration Services ‘.
Select ‘Make a Payment’.
Follow on-screen instructions.
Select ‘Sign up for New Payment Plan’.

Follow on-screen instructions. Please note that you must pay the initial down payment (25% plus $100) in order for your registration to be completed and avoid having your classes purged

What is the refund process?

If a student has been awarded Title IV fund (PELL Grant, SEOG, Direct Loans, PLUS Loan) and their intention is to to use these funds to pay for his/her current academic year charges, it is important that the award be reviewed and accepted.  By accepting, the student is authorizing the University to apply these federal fund payments towards their student financial account balance to pay allowable institutional charges such as tuition and fees, housing and meal charges.

If the total sum of the Title IV funding exceeds total institutional charges, the University will process a refund payable to the student for any credit balances.  If a refund is due to the posting of a PLUS Loan payment, the refund will be processed in the name of the parent borrower unless authorized to refund directly to the student.

The Business Office has 14 days to apply the refund to the student’s account, however, the estimated time between the application of the refund and the student receiving his/her check or direct deposit will vary. The Business Office will not ‘hold’ a check for students. The checks are disbursed via postal mail or via direct deposit to a checking or savings account. We recommend submitting a Direct Deposit Authorization Form to the cashiers in the Business Office to ensure that you receive your refund sooner.

Am I entitled to a refund?

If the total sum of the Title IV funding exceeds your total institutional charges, you may be entitled to a refund if your account has a credit balance. You can use the internet to find out by logging onto JSU P.A.W.S, enter ID and PIN, select Student & Financial Aid, select Student Records, select Account Summary to check on your account. If your account has a credit balance, contact your Business Office Counselor.

How do I contact a Business Office Counselor?

Business Office Counselors are available to assist you between the hours of 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday

Contact the Business Office at 601-979-2216 or come by to speak with a Business Office Counselor.

User Tiger Queue to get in line to see a counselor.

1. Text: jackson state univ to 662-233-6473

2. Use JSU mobile app and click Tiger Queue

3. QLess

Why do I need to complete the Direct Deposit Authorization Form?

You are not required to complete a Direct Deposit Authorization Form.  But should you opt out of this service your student refund check will be mailed.

If I don’t complete the Direct Deposit Authorization Form, to what address will my refund check be mailed?

Refund checks are sent in the following order to:

1st     Mailing address
2nd   Billing address
3rd    Permanent address

Can I change my mailing address?

Yes. You can log onto JSU P.A.W.S and update addresses under Personal Information. The Business Office Counselors can not change a student’s address.

How does the Supercard program work?

At the start of each semester, Jackson State University allows students with financial aid who are scheduled to receive a refund to place money on their JSU I.D./Supercard for the purpose of purchasing books and supplies and to use the Supercard at vendors on and off-campus. Since JSU will not receive this money until the established disbursement date, there is a limit of $1,000 per semester.

The Supercard refunds process will begin during the last three weeks of the semester. The student must first make the request at the JSU ID Center and then present the paperwork from the ID Center to the Business Office to process the refund to the student’s account.

What is “Completing Registration?” 

“Completing Registration” means a student has complied with one of the following:

  1. Made full payment for tuition and fees with cash, check, money order, credit card or wire.
  2. Financial aid has been awarded for the current semester’s tuition and fees.
  3. Payment plan is established for the current semester tuition and fees.

Once 1 of the 3 requirements is completed,  registration is automatically completed and the student will not be purged from classes.  The student will get an email when registration is complete.  If you have not received an email by the beginning of class, please contact the Business Office before classes start.

(NOTE: If a student has only 1-5 hours of class, the Business Office has to manually Complete Registration. Please contact a Business Office Counselor at 601-979-2216.)

Why should I Pre-Register?

1. Pre-registering increases your chances of enrolling in the premier classes at the times best suited for you, thereby customizing your class schedule to your particular needs.

2. Pre-registering allows students to avoid crowds, long lines and the frustration of trying to enroll in closed sections during Registration.

3. Pre-registering also allows you to complete your registration online, if your financial aid info is available.

Why was my loan money returned to the lender?

The most common reasons for money being returned to lenders are:

  • Student’s registration not being complete; therefore, purging the student from his or her classes
  • Registered in less than 6.0 hours
  • Withdrawal from the University
  • Over awarded. Third Party Scholarships and grants awarded to the students from resources outside of the university MUST be reported to the Financial Aid Office to ensure the student is not over awarded.

If you are not enrolled in school you are not eligible for the TITLE IV Federal Loan program.

If I withdraw from the university,will I owe any money?

Withdrawals before the first day of classes will result in no tuition charges for that semester, but there may be prorated charges for room and board along with any monies spent from the Supercard voucher, if applicable. Withdrawals beginning on the first day of class, and thereafter, will result in prorated tuition charges for that semester, in addition to prorated charges within the deadlines for room and board, Supercard, etc.

The JSU Class Schedule Booklet lists the dates for prorated charges. The deadline dates are listed under the title “Jackson State University Refund Policy.” If you have received Federal Financial Aid (grants and student loans) and plan to withdraw, please read the section titled “Return of Title IV Federal Financial Aid” especially if you have already received a refund. This valuable information should be read and considered when making a decision to withdraw from the university.

How do I pay?

Each student will be billed and held responsible for 100% of the tuition and fees assessed to attend JSU. All Fees are due and payable at the time of registration.  The University’s acceptable methods for payment are –

  1. Cash
  2. MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express
  3. Checks, Money Orders and/or Travelers Checks are accepted.  Returned checks due to insufficient funds must be redeemed immediately along with a $40 fee to avoid termination of registration. Please make payments payable to Jackson State University and send to:

Jackson State University
Business Office
1400 J.R. Lynch St.
P.O. Box 17159
Jackson, MS 39217

You can also make your payment online by accessing your JSU P.A.W.S account and follow the steps below.

  1. Choosing “Student and Financial Aid,” then click
  2. Student Account,” then click
  3. “Account Summary” at which time you will see the link  “View Bills and Make Payment.”

Where should I send payments?

Payments should be mailed to:

Jackson State University
Business Office
P.O. Box 17159
Jackson, MS 39217


Division of Business and Finance


B. F. Roberts, 2nd Floor
Jackson State University
1400 J.R. Lynch Street
Jackson, MS 39217-0280

Phone: 601.979.2216